If you're going to carry a business credit card, you may as well earn rewards that you can use down the road. Whether you're a small-business owner or CFO of a major corporation, having a separate business card makes sense to help track expenses – whether it's your own or those of employees.
Card Rating*: ⭐⭐⭐½ *Card Rating is based on the opinion of TPG's editors and is not influenced by the card issuer. The American Express Blue Business Cash Card also offers a handful of travel and shopping benefits, plus cards for up to 99 authorized users at no additional cost (see rates and fees). Best of all, enjoy this earning power with no annual fee (see rates and fees). Cash back is credited to your statement automatically. Once you pass that threshold, you'll earn 1% cash back earned is automatically credited to your statement on all eligible purchases. The American Express Blue Business Cash ™ Card makes it easy for business owners to track expenses and earn 2% cash back on up to $50,000 in eligible purchases every calendar year.
The American Express Blue Business Cash™ Card overview Update: Some offers mentioned below are no longer available.